Sunday, December 27, 2009

This is the beginning of Photo 365 Project

Hello whoever you are out there reading this. I have decided to start a photo 365 project after reading a friends post on facebook, then watching the movie Julia and Julie but mostly after reading different things and post from people in previous years who have done this. So this is the challenge to take one picture a day for 365 days. Seems like a really long time, but I love photography it is my life outside of my kids so it shouldn't be to hard. I hope to get a few things out of it, experience, leaning new techniques, reflecting on where the year has gone and overall to say that I have set a goal and accomplished it. So as of January 1st 2010 I Laura Bruno from Covington, La will take a photograph a day for 365 days. I will post what I have taken and blog about all the experiences along the way. I hope to get some positive feedback and even a little constructive criticism. Wish me luck.


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